Birds Land
Sunday, May 1st, 2011Length: 6.14 km
Time taken: 2 hour, 15 mins (including breaks for pictures and chats with police about reported missing children which we saw along the way)
Grade: Easy-Medium
Climb: 164 metres
Birds Land Reserve is located south of the Dandenongs and north of Lysterfield Lake, and nowhere near as nice as either of them. The walk passes two lakes that seemed popular for walking around, and then goes through a more remote area that leads up a hill on the Sunset Track where there were some nice views of the surrounding mountains. The start of the Sunset track was quite vague and if it hadn’t been signposted I would have missed it. Even with the signpost I was still unsure whether it was the right path. Luckily it was. The path climbs up steeply to the top of the hill. The track back down, Abrahams Track, was much more well defined, but became quite muddy in places. Unlike Lysterfield Park across Wellington Rd, I didn’t see any Kangaroos or other wildlife besides the birds. I would prefer a walk around Lysterfield Park any day.

The vague black line to the right is the start of the Sunset Track. Thank goodness it was signposted or I would have missed it!