Length: 5.1 km
Time taken: 1 hours, 20 mins (including breaks for pictures)
Grade: Easy
Climb: 36 metres (as measured by RunKeeper)
On a day with such fantastic weather, this walk offered a great contrast of beach and bush walking. The walk followed Mordialloc creek, starting near a cricket ground with a game in full swing, before heading towards the beach past all the moored boats, then back inland along a more bushy path.
The hardest part of this walk was working out how to cross Nepean Hwy. (There is an underpass as I found out too late!) The scenery, especially along the beach, was quite pretty. At the beach I walked the length of the pier, where an older woman nearly hit me with a fish she was reeling in, and up the beach path to the lifesaving club.
Overall the walk did feel quite urban as there was almost always buildings visible, but the beach section made up for it.


One of the little lookout platforms over the creek.

The path along the creek.

The boat ramp and adjacent carpark were super busy due to the great weather.

The track passes by this train parking area near Mordialloc station.

The view towards the beach.

I'm not sure if this area was a boat graveyard or maintenance area, but there were plenty of land based boats lying around. This is along the Nepean Hwy.

A great mural along the path to the beach. The man on the street post looks 3D in front of the background.

Mordialloc Beach

People fishing on the rocks at the entrance to the creek.

Looking from the end of Mordialloc pier back to the beach. This pier was extremely popular with fishermen.

A view of the pier and creek entrance.

Mordialloc Beach (again)

A more bushy section of the walk, heading back inland.